Sunday, February 20, 2005

Temperature is now quantified in the Aether Physics Model

Today I was experimenting with a Crooke's Radiometer.  I thought I would focus an intense beam of light on just the silvered vanes and then focus the light on just the black vanes.  In so doing I found, as others have, that light reflecting off the silvered vanes does nothing.  But light being absorbed by the black vanes imparts force and the vanes turn.
In high school classes the explanation is sometimes erroneously given that particles of light bounce off the vanes causing it to spin.  But the spin is in the opposite direction of what it should be if light were particulate.  So the Crooke's radiometer is actually a demonstration that proves light is NOT particulate.
In the Aether Physics Model light is dimensionally shown to be accelerated angular momentum made up of photons streaming at a given frequency.  The photon itself is quantum and is equal to the angular momentum of the electron times the speed of light.  As the photon is absorbed by a given area, it imparts a force.
---- = forc
Some physicists try to explain the moving vanes as being caused by heated molecules.  If heat is applied to the black vane, nearby gas molecules would be expelled away from the black vane.  But since the pressure inside the bulb is isotropic (equally distributed), all that would happen is the gas would become less dense near the vane.  But this explanation about heated gas molecules got me curious about the relationship of pressure to mass density and temperature. 
A quick search got me to a page that gives the relationship of pressure, mass density of air, and temperature.  Since all three variables were given, I could setup a simple relationship:
pres = masd * temp
Pressure is equal to mass density time temperature.  Doing a simple dimensional analysis it turned out that temperature would be in units of sievert (velocity squared).  The sievert is the unit for dose equivalent and is a measurement of radiation.  It makes sense then that the sievert could be the unit for temperature. 
Since I knew from the above relationship that pressure is equal to mass density times temperature, and because I found that one atmosphere is equal to 1.2929 kg/m^3 times zero degrees centigrade, I was in a position to calculate the temperature to sievert conversion.  The Kelvin scale is better for measuring temperature because the scale starts at zero and increases.  The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales begin with a negative value and increase to a zero value before increasing with a positive value.  So by doing simple algebra I was able to determine that one degree Kelvin is equal to 286.966 sievert. 
Assuming the unit of sievert is the unit of temperature, I checked its relationship to other units:
pres * volm / mass = temp
An interesting relationship is:
momt * temp = ligt
Accordingly, if an object with momentum increases in temperature, its light will increase (in frequency).  Or if an object has a certain temperature and its momentum increases, then the frequency of light it radiates will also increase.  The same would hold true for a radio on a spaceship.  If the spaceship had a momentum toward Earth and a constant temperature, then an increase in the ship's speed would increase the radio frequency.  Because momentum is a vector quantity, an increase in the ship's speed going away from the Earth would decrease the frequency.  This, of course, is the Doppler effect.
If more analysis proves that temperature is actually measured in units of velocity squared, this would be a significant leap for physics as it would give temperature a true dimensional connection with all other units.

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