There is no viable logic in his article if the foundations of the physics he uses to interpret an experiment are in error. For example, what if the whole paradigm of particles and waves as descriptors of the structures of subatomic particles is flawed and just plain incorrect? What if a subatomic particle's structure is actually a quasi-material structure that we could call, "primary angular momentum?" Such a structure could exist if the structure of space (Aether) is a five-dimenstional (3L / 2T) quantum rotating magnetic field and the subatomic particle is merely a string of mass (dark matter) caught up in the quantum rotating magnetic field. Thus dark matter would be "converted" to appear as visible matter, particularly if the quantum rotating magnetic field structure imparted the properties of electrostatic and magnetic charge to the string of mass.
A string of mass moving at a velocity through this quantum rotating magnetic field in a five dimensional frame of reference could easily be mistaken for being either a particle or a wave, especially to a bunch of mathematicians ignorant of the actual structure of the subatomic particles and the five-dimensional reference frame they exist in.
The weirdness of the Standard Model is rooted in the limited choice between particle and wave, and the ignorance if the other temporal dimension. In fact, the ignorance of the Standard Model is further rooted in the incomplete understanding of the temporal nature of the Universe. Time is just a subset of a greater collection of temporal attributes, just as length and area are a subset of "volume." The temporal dimensions as a whole are what physicists refer to as "spin." This "spin" has a forward AND backward time frequency as well as a right and left spin direction. Due to the half spin nature of the electron and proton, subatomic particles only "see" a single time direction and a single spin direction. The space (Aether unit) that contains the subatomic particle, however, sees a two spin point of view, which forever oscillates between forward and backward time, and right and left spin, at an extreme (and quantifiable) frequency.
It is the half spin of subatomic particles that gives matter the appearance of moving in the forward direction of time. And yet, despite the forward advance in time associated with matter, our mind always remains right here and right now... in the present. Our mind is the reference point that perceives the advancement of time. The mind does not move through time; it ever remains in the present, and in the exact same present as every other mind.
In the Standard Model, time is believed to be an independent metric, and it is also believed our mind traverses through time along with matter. The spin nature of subatomic particles is considered "weird" and is subsequently discarded from our understanding. Also, the concept of Aether is discarded as being unnecessary because four-dimensional, forward-time matter has been arbitrarily chosen as the only reality the physicists are interested in. Aside from the fact that evidence for the Aether's existence abounds in physics, the Aether as a five-dimensional coordinate system is required in order to understand the hidden aspects of quantum structure and also quantum mechanics.
The problem with physics isn't the physics, it is the physicists, and it always has been. All of humanity is living in a deep ignorance concerning the true nature of our four-dimensional realm. To get a glimpse of this perspective, imagine life in a television world. Television worlds are three-dimensional, having two dimensions of length and one dimension of time. The characters live out a scripted life written from players in the four-dimensional world of space-time. Well, our four-dimensional lives are written by players in the five-dimensional realm of space-resonance. All those players in our four-dimensional world who claim to see ghosts, spirit guides, and angels, and who practice religions based on the afterlife, and who practice magic or experience paranormal events, they are all interacting with, or merely believing in, the greater five dimensional realm. And just as our four-dimensional world seems infinitely more vast than the area-time television world, the five dimensional realm is infinitely more vast than our four-dimensional, space-time realm.
The Rosetta Stone for understanding this greater five-dimensional realm is quantum physics, but we will never make progress in this understanding as long as physicists continue with their nonsense of probability functions as subatomic particles, and their flat out denial of Aether.
The Rosetta Stone for understanding this greater five-dimensional realm is quantum physics, but we will never make progress in this understanding as long as physicists continue with their nonsense of probability functions as subatomic particles, and their flat out denial of Aether.