Fermilab's Tevatron machine will resume its operations in March 2001 and will run for five years, and it too will search for the Higgs. Fermilab can, in principle, search for Higgs's as massive as 180 GeV, but CERN's efforts will have helped Fermilab, at least at first, in sifting the incoming returns for signs of the Higgs. With its new higher luminosity (essentially the intensity of the beams), the Tevatron should be able to produce about 1015 proton-antiproton collisions.
It has now been over 5 years and this is this week's summary of the Higgs boson search:
"Physicists from Fermilab’s Tevatron collider have just reported their most comprehensive summary yet of physics at the highest laboratory energies. At last week’s American Physical Society (APS) meeting in Jacksonville, Florida they delivered dozens of papers on a spectrum of topics, many of which are related in some way to the Higgs boson."In short, they still have not found it.
"The Higgs is the cornerstone ingredient in the standard model of high energy physics. It is the particle manifestation of the curious mechanism that kicked in at an early moment in the life of the universe: the W and Z bosons (the carriers of the weak force) became endowed with mass while the photon (the carrier of the electromagnetic force) did not. This asymmetry makes the two forces very different in the way they operate in the universe."Notice how the Higgs is believed to become endowed with mass, but no physical process is identified, neither is there any definition of what "mass" is. Then they say that the photon does not have mass and claim it is the carrier of the electromagnetic force.
First off, the mass and charge are defined specifically as dimensions in the Aether Physics Model. Mass and charge are no more particulate than length or time. But just as there is a finite distance between your eyes and your computer monitor, which can be accurately measured, there is no such particulate thing as "length" which is there to measure. Length is a form of non-material reality, which is measurable and thus real. Mass, charge, and time are similarly different forms of non-material reality.
The Higgs boson is a theoretical construct needed by the Standard Model to complete the theory. Unfortunately, the Standard Model is based upon the wrong understanding of what mass and charge are, so the predicted particles are nothing more than fantasies. Even the W and Z bosons have never been observed. All that has been observed are specific calculated energies, which have been explained in a dimensionless mathematical model and interpreted as "particles." In the Aether Physics Model, the weak force is the proportion of the electrostatic charge to the strong charge. However, the Standard Model does not recognize the strong charge, even though it easily expresses mathematically as the angular momentum of the subatomic particle times the conductance of the Aether.
There is no Higgs boson. All that exists is billions of dollars of wasted taxpayer money, thousands of theoretical papers, and a bunch of physicists praying they will find it soon so they can justify more than 20 years of expensive and time consuming research.
The Aether Physics Model provides the correct understanding of sub-quantum structure, which is a non-material form of reality. Mass is nothing more than a dimension, albeit a very real dimension. In order to understand mass, one has to break away from the concept that physical reality is an ever decreasing size of physical particle. It is as though modern physicists intend to understand the Universe by creating a sharper knife.
The reality is that physical existence arose from non-material existence, as the physics of the Aether Physics Model clearly reveals.